Windows Shortcuts

Windows Shortcuts

Windows 7 Instructions

1. Right-click on desktop background, go to New -> Shortcut
2. Find the program you want to create a shortcut for. In our case, it is r1q2.exe or quake2.exe


3. Name the shortcut.


4. Right-click on shortcut, go to Properties
5. Add +game lmctf to the target. You must do this outside of the double-quoted target path. In my case, it looks like this:

"C:\Steam\steamapps\common\quake 2\r1q2.exe" +game lmctf


6. Click ok and you can now launch straight into LMCTF.

Command line parameters

Examples of additional parameters and practical uses in a r1q2.exe or quake2.exe shortcut.

Start LMCTF offline (useful for tweaking settings locally):

"C:\Steam\steamapps\common\quake 2\r1q2.exe" +set vid_ref r1gl +set game lmctf +set deathmatch 1 +exec server.cfg

Start LMCTF and connect to Erebus public server:

"C:\Steam\steamapps\common\quake 2\r1q2.exe" +set vid_ref r1gl +set game lmctf +connect

Start LMCTF and connect to Erebus match server and pass the match password on connect (right-click shortcut, select properties and edit password each time):

"C:\Steam\steamapps\common\quake 2\r1q2.exe" +set vid_ref r1gl +set game lmctf +connect +set password password

Basic Server.cfg

The following variables in server.cfg (located in your lmctf folder) will run the offline shortcut above using the most popular basic server options:

//place this server.cfg file in your lmctf folder to use most popular LMCTF server options

set hostname "Quake 2 LMCTF"

//uncomment the following two lines to have rcon or ref options
//set rcon_password "rconrcon"
//set refpassword "refref"

set ctfflags 13396
set dmflags 16596
set disabled_weps 512
set runes 15
set skinset 0
set deathmatch 1
set maxclients 30
set timelimit 20
set fraglimit 0
set zombietime -1000
set stdlogfile 0
set logfile 0
set public 0
set refset 0

//uncomment the following lines for reporting to master servers

gamemap lmctf09
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